Vote for Science

Vote for Science

2020United States
Vote for Science poster by Alexandra Underwood
Vote for Science poster by Joey Rose
Vote for Science poster by Alexandra Underwood

About the Project

Vote for Science, a collaborative project between PangeaSeed, March for Science, and Peace Boat, enlisted the creative talents of US artists Alexandra Underwood and Joey Rose to craft compelling poster designs.

These artworks served as powerful reminders urging citizens to prioritize science and scientific integrity in their decision-making during the pivotal 2020 presidential elections. Through their thought-provoking designs, Underwood and Rose conveyed the importance of informed voting and the critical role that science plays in shaping policies and addressing pressing global challenges. Vote for Science exemplified the intersection of art, activism, and civic engagement, empowering individuals to advocate for evidence-based decision-making and the advancement of scientific principles in governance.

Vote for Science poster by Joey Rose
Vote for Science poster by Alexandra Underwood
Vote for Science poster by Joey Rose


This project was supported by